Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Saved at the eleventh hour


A new rescue has arrived with one of our Field Officer's and foster carer's. A 9yo bay TB gelding that had suffered a bad run with inexperienced owners.

He was verbally surrendered to Second Chance literally 45 minutes before he was due to be shot and the official paperwork was signed two days later.

His owner had only had him a short time and had bitten off more than she could chew. Thinking she was doing the right thing, she gave the horse to a local farrier however 4 months later, the farrier gave him back.

Having moved to another town with no resources to do anything with him, it was decided perhaps he ought to be put down as he'd been a very difficult horse to load onto a trailer and they were concerned he may be dangerous particularly in the wrong hands. Time was running out and a decision had to be made.

And then a friend of his owner thought to contact us and of course one thing led to another and the poor boy was given another chance.

At the moment there isn't any photos available however if I get any I will certainly add them on.

This sweet natured horse is a bit of an artful dodger when it comes to getting out of something he doesn't want to do which we believe is a large part of his issues. He is however also very sore in the back and does have confidence issues and appears to be afraid of ropes. We are confident however with the right home, he'll be a superb little horse once he has completed his rehabilitation.


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