Thursday, December 27, 2007

Horse Whispering

Today an animal communicator came to visit. Lovely lady, very keen to assist with the rescues and helping match them to the right new person. She spent quite a bit of time with the boyz 'in the paddock' (no hood here) and as everyone does, fell right in love with Viento!

She spent some time with Romeo too, constantly brushing Levi off who was very keen to tell her all about it. Things picked up about Romeo include a non horse person using him as a get rich quick scheme back in his racing days, a sore gut, a sore leg and very anxious. I have been suspecting he may be getting the start of arthritis as he's been tripping a little lately and he had ulcers when he first came so they may well be kicking up again poor chap.

He's always seemed to be closed off to visitors, never really seeming to enjoy anything much we did with him - more sort of putting up with it because he must.

Viento apparently is very proud of his bloodline and she picked up that his owner picked him out and bought him as a baby and then as these things happen, lost interest with him and pretty much ignored his existance. He had kids nearby that used to come and talk to him and he wants to be around kids again. But in all honesty he's not ready yet to be a kiddies horse, he's still too young and too green - needs some experience under his girth first!!

It was all very interesting and she's promised to come again. And do I believe? Well I keep an open mind and stranger things have happened! Plus if it helps a needy horse I am not complaining.

So thanks for your visit, mate and we look forward to seeing you again sometime.

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