Sunday, December 30, 2007

Last day of the year

And so 2007 comes to a close. I am ecstatic to see how far SC has come this year! We've had 19 rescues in, and of those 8 have been rehomed. We've learned a whole lot, and seen some awful situations but we have also seen some of the most fantastic sides of the horse community too.

Let me go through some of the highlights of 2007:
- Rescued 20 horses, ponies, a mule and a donkey directly
- Been in the local 'Comment' newspaper
- Raised around $8,000 for our cause
- Had an interview for an article in That's Life magazine (for 2008 publication)
- Become the widest known horse welfare group besides the RSPCA in Western Australia
- Gained 51 new memberships!
- Found permenant Adoptive homes for 8 of our rescues
- Assisted with the welfare of a dozen horses and ponies
- Sucessfully run our first Horse Care intro course
- Strengthened ties with the RSPCA and local government/shire Rangers
- Worked in with the WA Donkey Society, Triple R Equine Rescue, the RSPCA and more recently had communications with the Wheatbelt Animal Rescue group on cases and general advice & jointly run the 2007 Quiz Night with the Brigadoon RDA group
- Assisted in finding new homes for several horses and ponies through our Email listing
- Assisted in finding the owners of a few lost ponies in the same way

And if I think of more happenings I shall post them! But 2007 truly has been a great year and we look forward to 2008 being even better. And we hope you will accompany us on this journey.

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