Wednesday, January 2, 2008

All systems go!

Well hasn't the year begun busily! I have a feeling this is a sign of times to come. I have had four 'at risk' horses reported to me, one I've actually seen so far and another three. One is even a retired RDA horse - the story goes that the current person responsible for its care is being paid $100 for its needs... however the money is not being used for the horse which is going without feed other than its grazing, is kept in a fairly green but small paddock with poor fencing and was rugged in full winter doona LAST WEEK when it was stinking hot!

We're doing some research to find the legal owners to get this situation sorted as soon as possible and sadly we don't have a lot to go on but we are working on it and with any luck will have a result soon for the poor creature.

Today the current President of Horse Rescue Australia came to visit and touch base with us. It was great to meet somebody from the org which is based outside of Sydney. They have 200 odd acres they opperate from and he tells me they've arrived at the property to begin their chores to find horses tethered to their front gate with a note attached "Please look after this horse". Another thing SC can expect once we have an actual base of operations I expect. Sad old world, isn't it?

Another busy day tomorrow, shuffling horses backwards and forwards getting the dental appointments sorted for the newer ones. Will be great to get their age estimated by a pro and I am certain they'll pick up beautifully once this is done.

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