Thursday, January 17, 2008

The last couple of days has been so busy! Wednesday the 16th saw us arrive to collect Harmony. She did the usual ears-back-grinding-teeth routine so I spent a few minutes leading her around and working on her manners. She wanted to push past me often so I kept halting her and asking her to back up when she did this. She often flattened her ears and ground her teeth at me, a sign of annoyance that I was not leaving her alone. But after a few minutes she began to get better and not do it so much. I think the key with her was to reinforce my position by asking her to back out of my space when she did this and then praising her the moment her ears came forward and she relaxed. I let her go again whilst I waiting for the float to arrive.

When it did, with the two people helping me, Gary went to catch her. Harmony didn't want to know and trotted off down the paddock. "Should have left the halter on." Neryl remarked. So I had a go to catch her and what do you know she just stood up for me no problem at all. So it seems she might have a disliking for men but I can't be sure without testing this theory.

Harmony loaded onto the float immediately and without hesitation or fuss, I was so relieved as I didn't want her stressed any more than necessary. We took her to the Vets and left her there for the day and lo and behold, she is in foal, and the Vet says she's about 3 months along. Due to her lift being caught up and both they and myself assuming the other had called the Vets, Harmony spent an impromptu night at the Vets and early Thursday morning I shifted her to her new home. She settled in well and I am very pleased and confident she is in the best of hands.

"Ohhh she's so skinny!" her new carer cried, comparing her to their 'butter-fat' broodmares.

Then I high-tailed it to Oakford as a photographer was coming to get a shot of Asha and her carer for an article in the local paper. I missed him as I was running late but saw Asha and I must comment on how she has changed. She is now very friendly and not at all concerned with being handled. Her aloofness has turned to interest and she is also moving better, she looks like a different horse!

Her foal has had a snotty nose since before we picked them up and we were very worried as he had a temperature and was not eating well. Yesterday we had to act, the Vet was summoned and it seems the poor soul has equine pnuemonia although we need to take him for an ultrasound be certain it isn't something more sinister or contagious. We had to immediately isolate him in the weaning box on a different property to his mother just in case and we're hoping he'll pick up quickly now with the anti-biotics.

Poor chap! If his owner had caught it when it was just a cold and treated him, he'd never become so ill. Constant viligance. If your horse looks a bit off, particularly with a nasal discharge, GET THE VET!!!

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