Saturday, January 26, 2008

Amazing what a difference a little TLC can make

On my travells today I went up to see 2 of our rescue ponies at their foster home. The difference in the pair is amazing!

The first difference most noticable is their appearance. One of the mares, Beauty, is very much the same as she wasn't in too bad a condition when we picked her up, but Velvet (we think is Beauty's daughter as they share very very simular unique markings) is a whole new pony!

Here's Velvet when we picked her up:

Disgustingly over-length hooves, bald at the top of her tail, obese and absolutley riddled with worms.

Now, 6 weeks later she has lost some weight, her hooves have been trimmed back comfortably so she can actually walk rather than just hobble! She's been wormed and the hair around the top of her tail is growing back beautifully.

She also has daily interaction with rowdy children and both she and Beauty have proven themselves to be practically bomb-proof lead-rein ponies. Beauty is quite timid around adults but very gentle and perfectly obedient for the children. Velvet is a touch more confident and will boss the kids at tea time but is generally very well behaved!

Another month or so should see both ready for new homes.

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