Saturday, January 12, 2008

The most amazing people

In this job I meet the most amazing people. Each and every one is amazing in their own right. Some are so very dedicated and passionate about horse welfare that they amaze me. Some out so much hard work into something for us, they amaze me with their selflessness. Some people have such big hearts, or have the most incredible skills... the list goes on and on.

And then, there are people who amaze me for the wrong reasons. Yesterday I met probably the most amazing person I have ever come across and sadly, all for the worst.

This particular person has proven themselves to be utterly selfish, self centred, self promoting, ignorant, compulsive liar and a long-time habitual neglector. It was horrible to watch them at work and morbidly fascinating at the same time.

The conversation with this person left me completely gobsmacked and I really began to wish that I had gone to Uni to get a psychiatrist degree. Surely, the human mind is the most incredible instrument and when it 'goes bad' it is even more amazing, if not downright frightening.

You know you are in trouble when you come across somebody operating under a name that means 'bringer of death'.

I can't quite get over the fact this person advertises the fact!

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