Sunday, February 10, 2008

Full-on February

As usual it has been all systems go.

The newsletters have been giving us a bit of grief. First up a new computer program has not worked as it should although this may well be due to the operator who isn't overly familiar with it, and then for some reason our printers haven't recieved it so with any luck we'll have them printed and posted by Tuesday!

We've checked out a few more reports of skinny horses and helped along the owners where possible. Now we hope that they take the advice and sort their horses out rather than just leaving them to get worse. I always give the owners benefit of the doubt to begin with and sometimes I am delighted with how it turns out and sometimes I am horrified at some people's lack of responsibility for their animals.

We had a foster carer workshop this morning, Louise Atkinson who is a Parelli Level 4 person donated her morning to go through some tips and tricks and exercises to assist foster carers with common problems that crop up with rescues. It was very useful and enlightening, and I know I am safe to say all those who attended came back with something they could use in the future to help their horses.

We have been notified about some needy neglected horses needing help however with a couple, somebody else has already taken them on (and good on you whoever you are, we wish you the best of luck with them) and the last one, the owner is reluctant to relinquish the horse. We're not sure why as it is clear he either cannot or will not provide her with proper care but there is some reason.

I am beginning to think I should've gone to Uni to study phsychology... there's so many things I just can't understand about people that I wish I had some sort of insight into! I think I get along with troubled horses much better than troubled people.

The Quiz night is fast approaching and we're hoping it will live up to expectations. Gail Kegie one of our project managers has done such a stellar job organising the whole thing and we've got some truly super prizes up for grabs. I can't wait! It's gearing up to be another fantastic night.

Have you booked a table yet? No? Well I do hope you're coming because we're aiming to have something for everyone on the night.

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