Thursday, January 10, 2008

Argh gees effin' goodness!!

I simply cannot believe people sometimes!

I was called out to be asked advice on what to do about some horses whos owner had not paid their agistment for some months and the horses were looking a bit off. Found this girl with a 4 month old foal at foot. A bit off? You've got to be kidding me!!


This is neglect to a high extent! This horse is JUST 12 YEARS OLD!

Im no expert but even I could feel the razor edges and hooks on the poor things teeth.

We are working exceptionally hard to save at the mare and with any luck we will be able to.

... this is severe neglect. Unforgivable and unacceptable.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hi my name is janet. i cannot believe how people are so cruel i have had horses all my life and i have 3 girls 8yrs , 4 and 2 who have a mini pony who i explained to them that when you get a pony you treat it with love and kindness meaning vet checks, feet and feeding and riding. i accidently landed on your site and my 8yr old happen to notice one of the horses you rescued. She commented mum i wish horses would make their owners starve of food then they would no how it feels. it tears our hearts out seeing this and my kids watch rspca dont miss it because they like to see kind people help animals. i just dont understand how people just dont care about these innocent and very smart creatures. they are just needing love and attention i wish i could adopt all of them .it heartbreaking. our little girl named miracle girl sadly we have to sell due to daughter to big and we would dearly love to adopt a 12.5-14 hands pony of horse as she rides everyday and goes to pc and i would like to ride too as i am a 5 foot tall mother maybe i can help give some love to a horse/pony to show we love and respect them as animals and their rights too are heard. hope i can help