Friday, January 4, 2008

Gee I love Standardbreds!

Yesterday (Friday) I went out to see and take some bits and bobs out for two of our rescues, Oscar and Nemo. I can't get over how quickly they've come good for us - very resiliant horses.

When I went to catch Oscar to stand him up for a photo he decided he didn't want to be caught and nicked off. After a couple of minutes he decided to give in and stand up for me. Took the photos and let him go again. He had this expression on his face... "Oh, is that all you wanted?"

But man I get SUCH a good vibe about that horse. I can't explain it but I just know he's going to make somebody very happy and will be somebody's best mate. He's very well put together for a Stb - I'm not particularly fond of how his croup slopes but heck he's a nice type - good bone, good feet, good teeth and strong. I just can't wait to bring him in for work. For some reason I am so excited to have the prospect of riding him... I am more enthusiastic about him than most of the others. (Except Viento, have a special place in my heart for that one).

But he really reminded me how much I love Stbs!

Nemo is a darling, he's also going to make somebody happy as he's such an absolute sweetheart.

Here's some photos for you all:

Oscar - Photobucket

Nemo - Photobucket

So different to when they first came! See their pages on our website for 'before' pics.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Wow Jess, these guys look amazing! I did take a peek at their original photos on the SC site and they are like brand new horses! If I were you, I would post these new photos next to the old ones so people can see how much good you guys are doing.

Keep it up!! :D