Wednesday, February 20, 2008

It isn't that hard to keep a horse healthy

Oh sure, it is hellishly expensive, and takes a fair bit of adequate knowledge, but keeping a horse healthy ain't that hard. If you're not spending a lot and you're finding it 'hard' to keep the weight on your horse, please find help fast before things get unmanageable.

Case study; Asha.
12yo TB mare, came to SC's care on the 14th of Feb. She had a 4 and a half month-old foal at foot. Despite her owner telling us that they'd 'done all they could and fed her heaps every day' this is how she looked.


Now she's had her foal weaned, her teeth seen to by a qualified dentist, she has been wormed properly, she has also been fed correctly. Yes, mares do tend to drop off weight when suckling a foal however if they are recieving adequate care, they DO NOT drop off this much. If your broodmare has dropped off this much weight with adequate care and no other serious medical issue being tended to by a vet, you're doing it WRONG. This photograph below was taken today just 5 weeks later.



If she can look this good in 5 weeks after just receiving basic, correct care, imagine how good she'll look in another 5 weeks as we step up her feeding and carry on with her handling and training & exercise?

Her personality is also changing. She is no longer agitated and nervous. She comes trotting to the gate, calling when she sees her carer appear. She is content to stand with a person to be groomed or scratched whereas she used to fidget and stress. She no longer has the fear of having her legs brushed and she is well mannered to handle.

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