Saturday, February 23, 2008

There is no excuse for this! Ever!

Under no circumstances whatsoever is there any excuse for a horse or pony to look like this. These two are Arty and Blossom, rescued this week from a large property where they'd been left to die along with many other animals.

Their rescuer emailed me today, allowing me to use these photos to highlight why Second Chance exists. This is happening, right now, in our own backyards. On tucked away places away from the public eye, animals are winding up like this. How can anyone possibly live with themselves allowing any animal to get to this state? These has to be the thinnest ponies I have ever seen so far and still breathing.

Please, if your animal is starting to look bad, call a Vet or call us! Stop it before it gets to what I call the 'death row' look. If your animals are starting to drop off weight, do something before it becomes a life or death struggle for somebody else to help them.





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