Monday, February 18, 2008

This is not ethical horse care


Folks this is not how a horse is supposed to look! This girl is Duchess, the most recent rescue for SC. She was bought from the pound for $1 because her owner couldn't be bothered coming to get her. So now she is not his problem and he gets away with allowing his animal to look like this. He still owns tonnes more that are, we are told, always getting out. At one point he had 14 horses impounded at once! Can I say "FENCING"? It is most important to maintain good and safe fencing!

This girl has a list of issues as long as my arm. Are you ready?
- Superficial cuts/bites
- Body score of 1.5 (healthy is around 3 or 4)
- Skewed spine
- Knee that bows out when she walks
- Full of worms
- Teeth are in shocking condition
- Hooves are just about falling apart under her, she is walking on her soles
- Deep cuts on two legs
- Deep cut on her side which got her artery (been sewn up)

And this is mostly external stuff! Who knows what's going on inside, we're going to arrange to her her pelvis and knee Xrayed as apparently she was hit by a car some time ago and her back is right out. The knee is another story, who knows what is going on with that.

Would you just look at her?



Duchess will be undergoing some serious rehab and will never be ridable. Apart from the obvious like feeding, worming, dental work etc, she'll also need a lot physio too. At this stage our Vet is confident she isn't in undue pain and once given TLC her qulity of life will be good as a pasture pet but we just don't know what those Xrays may show.

Even so she is an absolute delight to handle and will allow us to do anything at all with her. She has perfect manners and has been such a good girl.

Her two companions who were also bought from the Pound are in much better shape and indeed look superb on the outside. We are yet to investigate their inner workings to see what they need. Dental and worming is definate but the youngest, a 3yo, needs some work first as she is so scared of everyone.

Cut on her leg

Skewed spine

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have to make some voluntary campaigns and educate people about this social issue. At the same time instruct horse owners to be responsible also. Horses need a quality life just as much as any other living thing.