Saturday, February 23, 2008

SC Quiz Night a resounding success!

Wow what fun! Even the organisers and helpers had a great time so that is saying something.
Again a HUUUUUUGE thanks to Gail Kegie for her hard work bringing this all together as Project Manager and making it such a fantastic night. You did a marvelous job, mate :)
Thanks to Sheona (Deschuur) for the platters, thanks to our lovely judges, our super MC John Robertson who really made the night and everyone who helped.

Congratulations to the winning team, the Red Demons. You guys did a great job on some really hard questions, well done!

Here are some photos from the evening...

170 participants

Our panel of judges

The winners of the evening, The Red Demons who looked positively delighted with their prizes as they divvied them up.

Our wonderful MC John Robertson, who was the star of the night and despite knowing diddly squat about horse racing did a wonderful 'race call of the prizes' for us!

Hmmm can't half guess where this lot are from!

The Wild Bunch, formerly known as the Pooper Scoopers who were last year's defending champions

Second place went to The Pony Pals team who did a fantastic job and lost by just ONE point!

The winners of the 'Best Dressed' team, team Lackanooki

It was nice to see that some participants came well presented...

Everyone having a crack at the dancing at our half-time break with the Swing Zing dance troupe.

And HUGE congrats to Kylie Jones who won the 5 night family holiday!

Overall we raised just over $3,300 for our cause. Thank you to everyone who participated!

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