Friday, February 22, 2008

Rescue update; Nova

Nova is the oddly coloured mini pony that's photo features on this blog (see right) and also on the SC main page at the moment. She came to us from Gingin with her companions after her owner passed away.

Nova had severely overgrown and deformed hooves as a result of founder coupled with no farrier attention for around 6 years or so. She and the others lived on sand, so there was no hard ground to wear away the hooves naturally either.

Here is some photos of when she first came to our care.


At first we thought she would have to be euthanased but after consultation with several Equine Veterinarians, Xrays, farrier and physio treatment coupled with a careful diet and some TLC she is still with us and as happy as anything.

She still stands with her toes pointing down because her tendons have contracted due to having to stand like that for so long on overgrown hooves.

However our trusty Vets (she sees them regularly) assure us she's in no undue pain, she's getting around OK and ever so slowly the tendons are beginning to let down again. It is likely she'll never be 100% normal however she will very likely be paddock sound enough to make a great pet as she's the sweetest little girl with a heart of gold.



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